Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stella Comes Home! 
The trip home on Friday went as well as a 24 hour travel trip could go. On the long leg of the flight, Henry, Stella and I sat together and Kelly sat in another part of the plane to allow Henry's friend Andrew to sit with us instead of on his own. None of us could wait to get off of that plane! Planes landed on time, no bags were lost and our car was still in the Sheraton parking lot upon our arrival...all is good. 

We reached home about 10 p.m. to find Mom awaiting our arrival. She had done some decorating for Henry's belated birthday wishes and Denise, Kelly's cousin, had left the place in perfect condition. Rose was beside herself at the site of a new friend and overjoyed that we'd returned after so long away. 

Stella greeted her room and few toys with her now famous shrieks of delight. She was immediately enamored with Rose and Maisy. And for those of you who know Maisy, you can imagine how the sentiment was not returned. 

The weekend has been spent allowing Stella to get to know the place, unpacking and trying to catch up on sleep. Henry was confused at lunchtime today, because he thought he was having supper. Hopefully tonight will be a better night of rest!

Stella has already proven to be a big helper around the house. She does a great job of hanging and folding laundry. I plan to tap into her skills at every opportunity!

Kelly returns to work tomorrow. For Henry, Stella and me, the next few weeks will be spent getting to know one another more and helping Stella learn her way around her new home. 

I'll keep posting updates as the time passes. 

Thank you to all of you for your support and prayers during our trip. We are thrilled to be home and overjoyed at the spunk and charm of this little orphaned child who has joined our family. 


  1. We can't wait to meet her!! The pictures take me back to our early days w/Luke. It must be so fun watching her enjoy her new home. Love the little outfits on her. I know it's tempting, but please don't take her to the Buck yet...she's not ready for that side of Lancaster County:)

  2. this is great Gini!!! I am so glad you made it home safely. I wish everyone the very best. great blog posts! And of course I love the photos. This is truly remarkable :)

  3. Wow- THis is truly amazing. I am so excited for you all, and can't wait for my next visit. Is Stella fluent in English already? Your pictures are beautiful. Keep it going.

  4. Welcome Stella to Lancaster County! We also were a Bethany family, and brought Natalie home from Beijing in December--and we live in Leola.

